In order to ensure that all money you donate or we raise is used solely for its intended purpose, we have set up a system whereby we can guarantee that all money going out to Utange is accounted for in full and, naturally, we pay all our own costs and overheads.
Should you be inspired to help with our fundraising, please contact Ian who will be only too happy to discuss possibilities and give help in any way we can.
Some ideas are:
Signing up to Easyfundraising naming our charity to receive donations. Easyfundraising costs you absolutely nothing and has all major companies signed up. So, whenever you make an on-line purchase, the company from which you purchase the item will make a percentage donation to your chosen charity. For more information on this either go to the Easyfundraising site or contact Ian.
Running a special event such as a golf day, a bridge or whist drive.
Asking your local church or school to adopt our charity.
Running a stall at the local fete – tombola, games, cake or plant stall, etc.
Holding a coffee morning.