February 2021
Building for Their Future – The Rainbow Unit
In the townships of Kenya, children with special needs are invariably seen as a punishment for the parents and of no value in society.
The lucky ones get a very basic education in classes like this.

Working with a very forward thinking teaching staff from the Utange State Primary School of Mombasa, we can now offer 180 children who have special needs, not just a basic education (Life Skills) but the opportunity to learn one of 6 trades (Tailoring, Catering, Carpentry, Welding, Craftwork and IT) and, therefore, a future.
… and this is our Rainbow Unit
The school has plans to become self-sufficient by selling the products made in class. This will take some time during which we are committed (with your help) to support them financially.
This help will gradually tail off over the next three years. This will allow us to focus on establishing more start-up businesses for mothers who suffer financially.
Hand up not hand out.
Below are just some of the children who, with your help, can look forward to a real future.
Clarice is ten years old and has been a pupil at the special unit since she was five. 24 year old Rashid has been at Utange primary for 11 years. Rebecca is ten years old. Her parents are both casual labourers. Khamis is 6 years old. He will do life skills training until old enough to start vocational training. Fourteen year old Vincent has been with us for 5 years. He is just the right age to begin vocational training. Unbelievably, Kombe is 25 years old. He has nowhere else to go until we complete the Rainbow unit!
No matter how small, 100% of any money you feel able to donate, will go directly into funding for the unit.
To donate, please click here.